??時尚風尚與力量:時尚與風格如何塑造/顛覆個體身份?項目將在本周聚焦時尚與風格的定義和時尚如何展現特定文化。Introduction to fashion,style,and power.How does fashion and style mark identity or subvert it?Focus on the meaning of fashion and style,and how they reflect particular forms of culture.
??時尚產業(yè)與大眾文化:工業(yè)化大眾風格怎樣過度決定文化表達?項目將在本周聚焦時尚產業(yè)的發(fā)展和大眾文化轉向。The fashion industry and mass culture.How do factory-produced mass styles overdetermine cultural expression?Focus on the development of the fashion industry and the transition to mass culture.
??時尚、性別與名流:時尚與風格如何強化傳統(tǒng)性別觀念?時尚如何催生新的性別表達?項目將在本周關注時尚、性別、性與名流間千絲萬縷的聯系。Fashion,gender,and celebrity.How does fashion and style reinforce traditional notions of gender?How can it be used to develop new forms of gender expression?Focus on the connections between fashion,gender,sexuality and celebrity.
??風格的戰(zhàn)爭:特定時尚形式如何承載文化抗爭?項目將在本周關注時尚與風格如何成為對抗主流文化的手段。Style warfare.How do particular forms of fashion offer a means of cultural resistance?Focus on the ways that style and fashion offer a means of resisting dominant cultural formations.
??快時尚的生態(tài)與社會成本:快時尚帶來的生態(tài)與社會成本有哪些?項目將在本周聚焦快時尚的發(fā)展,對環(huán)境的影響,以及隨之而來的社會關系和文化內涵的改變。The ecological and social cost of fast fashion.What are the social and ecological effects of fast fashion?Focus on the rise of fast fashion,the way this has changed social relations and the cultural meaning of style,and its environmental effects.
??6課時1對1 Office Hour
??12課時的Mentor Session