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更新時間:2022-03-23 15:12:28

高管財務-Finance in Leadership

授課機構 上海高頓財經教育
上課地點 上海松江大學城文匯路1期678弄|詳細地圖
成交/評價 5.0分
聯(lián)系電話 400-888-4856


Overview   The emergence of a discipline of behavioral finance has led to new approaches to leadership based on the financial behaviors of managers and executives. Traditional financial approaches assumethat managers and executives make all their decisions rationally. Behavioral finance is based on the proposition of mixed rationality: that managers and executives makes decisions based on a mixtureof rational and non-rational factors. Behavioral factors frequently lead managers to make poor financial decisions even if they are very knowledgeable about what they should do in theory.
  This new approach leads to leadership which focuses on the financial and valuation outcomes resulting from different financial behavioral styles. It shows how unconscious factors lead to valuationoutcomes often being suboptimal thus leading to lower capital creation at the corporate level and to career derailment at the level of the individual manager or executive.
  This course shows how the financial personality of a manager or executive impacts their decision-making and how it affects leadership and valuation outcomes. The course presents a model offinancial personality (Figure 1), maps this to nine financial signatures (figure 2) and shows how these financial signatures are linked to profitability and valuation outcomes of leaders. It also gives adviceon how to use this new knowledge to improve the financial and valuation performance and impact of individuals, teams and companies.


  • Become aware of your own financial style and how it affects your performance

  • Understand the group and organization financial styles and know how to support them

  • Improve personal leadership impact on financial and valuation outcomes at the team, business unit and corporate levels

  • Know how to improve the financial performance and valuation impact of your unit, team or company

  • Maximize your chance of career and corporate success through leadership


  • Financial executives including CFO, treasurer,controllers, audit heads, compliance heads,financial training executives

  • C-levels including CEO, CFO, COO, CMO, Chief Human Resources Officer, Chief Learning Officer

  • Line executives and managers including Vice-Presidents, P&L managers, General Managers

  • Training and development executives, including leadership development managers, Human resource executives including HR heads,recruitment, succession planning executives
